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[E] airbornejones
[E] airbornejones
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over 13 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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I figured it out. I forgot I let some kid login to show me his builds. Crisis over lol
over 11 years ago
I just logged on after being gone for a little while. I don't know what happened but it seems like all permissions or something were taken away. I can no longer do the following on the main server (I have not checked others yet): - Speak in any channel - Use home function - Build in my region - pretty anything used for game play What could have happened?
over 11 years ago
Wow I missed out...I couldn't be on.
over 12 years ago
I added ghosted92 and gave him a plot on the water. He was helpful to me so I set him up on one of the pier plots. I assume Revels21 has fixed whatever your problem was but if you need anything else catch me online or send me a message. I haven't removed anyone from the town or taken away any perms. If I added ghosted92 to the wrong area let me know.
over 12 years ago
DanniDorrito.... I hate to ask again but I also had almost a full chest of glowstone stacks and 4-5 chests of wood blocks. I wouldnt ask except revels21 just told me the glowstone farm does not work anymore or I would just make more. It would take me forever to get that much glowstone again without farms. This is the last thing I will ask for I promise!!!!
over 12 years ago